You can more than you think

Self Magnification

Loud Speaker.
1 min readSep 18, 2019

When a turn took place when you realize this is the moment to change when you smell the strongest odor of progress when you found the path of the success which never ends. The place you begin is the origin of the moment and the sign of grace.

All the punches grow up you to be the strongest guy, All the hits push you up to the ground, All the kicks you hit you will grab what is needed for you. This is the lifeline and you have only a chance. If you could you will deserve the victory or if? avoid making a plan B.

You can authorize yourself to change what has written above the sky, but this will be the toughest, you will be tired of it, you will be drawn into the coldest lake, you will be slipped from the boundary but once you slid the edge you will have the chance to take a well-built step for the next goal.

Goals are always yours, you just need a jump to achieve them.

By: Syed Muhammad Ahmed



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